West & Central Africa
Girls walking in ancient city of Agadez
West & Central Africa
The Humanitarian Impact Institute works across West Africa, the Sahel and Central Africa.
Project Examples
Our multisectoral work in West & Central Africa ranges from gender in emergencies to protection.
Human Trafficking Program Design
HII contributed to the regional design of the EU funded program implemented by UNICEF, IOM and UNODC implemented program to reduce human trafficking in Niger and Mali. The program includes a comprehensive approach to circular migration, livelihoods, community sensitisation, policies, regulatory frameworks, prosperity, judiciary and law enforcement mechansisms combined with effective victim/survivor support mechansims.
Empowering Women for Leadership
HII has conducted a summative evaluation & impact assessment of the Empowering Women for Leadership Roles in MENA: Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia project, implemented by the Forum of Federations and funded by the Government of Canada. The project’s overall aim is to achieve inclusive governance with a particular emphasis on female leadership. Strategies include strengthening the capacity of women to assume decision-making positions and strengthening the capacity of men and women to shape policies, programs and actions that advance the inclusion of women.
Support for women in Sudan Borderlands
HII delivered a baseline study for the Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation’s survivor-led network. The project is part of the Voice programme and contributes to the Global SEMA initiative. The objective of the Baseline Study is to collect data on the current state of survivor-led networks in Central African Republic, (Bangui, Bria, Bossangoa and Bangassou) and in South Sudan (Juba, Bor, Bentiu, Mundri and Yei), including producing an intersectional needs analysis to identify forms of marginalisation to ensure future initiatives are context-specific to the lives of the survivors and children of CRSV.
Community Behavioural Change Evaluation
HII was engaged by IOM to conduct an evaluation fo a multi-country migration behavioural change program with coverage in Nigeria, Niger, Mali and Morocco. The evaluation was based on a mixed methods approach and included primary source fieldwork across implementation countries. The evaluation also analysed the applicability of th eunderlying program logic and design principles and their application at the field level.
Market infront of the mud Mosque of Djenne in the Malian Saharra
Dr Evans Muchiri
Evans is a Senior Evaluation and Research Analyst at HII with extensive quantitative health research expertise.
© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland