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Middle East & North Africa

Ancient citadel of Aleppo. Credit: Joel Carillet


The Humanitarian Impact Institute works across the Middle East and North Africa.

Project Examples

Our multisectoral work in MENA ranges from education to livelihoods.

External Evaluation of 14 Country Program

HII conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs funded COMPASS program implemented by IOM across 14 countries including Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Algeria and Iraq. The evaluation included creating a reformulated theory of change and fieldwork was conducted in three five countries.

Education Consortium of Iraq

HII conducted a primary sourse endline evaluation of the Education Consortium of Iraq’s education in emergencies and child protection program in Iraq. The program in implemented by NRC, Save the Children, Mercy Corp, Nonviolent Peaceforce and local partners across Iraq. Evaluation fieldwork was conducted in Anbar, Ninewa, Diyala, Dohuk and Kirkuk.

Emergency Multi-Sectoral Evaluation North West Syria

HII conducted an endline evaluation of a very large and complex emergency multisectoral program implemented by Concern in non-regime controlled areas of Syria. The program provided emergency support to 370,000 people across WASH, MPCA, Education, Shelter, Protection and DRR. Evaluation data collection was conducted in Aleppo, Ar-Raqqa, Al-Hasakeh and Deir-ez-Zor. 

Comprehensive Health Care Program in NES

HII Conducted an external, endline evaluation of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ECHO funded ‘Health Recovery in Northeast Syria’ program across NES. The program supported three Primary Health Care Centers, 3 Comprehensive Primary Health Centers and one Maternity Hospital, providing more than 520,000 health consultations over its 2-year life. Evaluation fieldwork occured across all areas of NES.





Abandoned hospital in Quneitra, Syria. Credit: Joel Carillet

Hussein Al Ali

Hussein coordinates HII’s regional fieldwork across the Middle East and North Africa.

The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland