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Ageing Societies

Ageing Societies


The Humanitarian Impact Institute’s work on Ageing Societies recognises that demographic ageing is a reality – by 2030, half the population of Western Europe will be over 50, one quarter over 65, and the Less Developed Countries will contain one billion older people.

The Humanitarian Impact Institute can help your program with robust measurement frameworks, operational reviews and performance and impact assessments of ageing socieities projects that address:

  • the growing necessity for extending economic activity into later life
  • the implications of societal ageing for the intergenerational contract
  • the provision of social security
  • the changes in modern families and the implications the changes have for the provision of support and care for the ageing population
  • addressing policy, societal and cultural gaps in the care and support to older people in Less Developed Countries
  • providing and encouraging opportunities that an ageing population brings






Sunset at Badshahi mosque, Lahore. Credit: Ghulam Hussain

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