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East Africa

Kassala, Sudan


East Africa

The Humanitarian Impact Institute works across East Africa delivering learning, monitoring and evaluations.

Project Examples

Our multisectoral work in East Africa ranges from emergency support to protection.

Integrated Emergency Response in Somalia

HII was contracted to conduct an external mid-term evaluation of Concern’s integrated emergency humanitarian response to displaced populations in Baidoa district, Southwest State and Deynile and Kahda districts, Banadir. The program provided access to potable water
and basic health and nutrition services; life-saving support to households; andunconditional cash transfer assistance (UCTA). 

Geared For Success Baseline

Oxfam Canada and War Child Canada contracted HII to deliver a complex baseline study across displaced, refugee and host communities in South Sudan and Uganda for their GAC funded Geared for Success education and protection program. This was a large-scale, multi-country mixed methods study involving fieldwork across affected communities in northern Uganda and South Sudan.

Support for women in Sudan Borderlands

The German Federal Foreign Office has contracted HII to provide lifesaving support to women, women-headed households and single parent households displaced in the borderlands between Ethiopia and Sudan. This project involves supporting displaced and refugee populations with access to safe spaces, health services, shelter and emergency relief.

Multi-Country Third Party Monitoring

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation has engaged HII to conduct its first ever independent third party monitoring program. HII is delivering this in the Italian government’s largest aid program globally, across Ethiopia and South Sudan. The monitored program includes emergency relief, drought resistant agriculture health and nutrition, and cash assistance. The program includes 12 projects and more than 20 implementing partners. 





Refugee camp in Tigray

The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland