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Humanitarian Public Health

Humanitarian Public Health


The Humanitarian Impact Institute works with implementers to assess the impact of humanitarian public health programs including single facility, multi-facility, health systems programs and mobile healthcare provision.

Our expertise includes CPHCs, PHCs, CMAM, EmONC, communicable diseases and NCDs, child and newborn healthcare and ANC, mental healthcare and maternal care/hospitals.

We assess health facility management, supply chains & EHSP, cold chains, IMS, IPC, RMNCH and pharmacy across primary healthcare, comprehensive primary healthcare and maternity facilities.

The Humanitarian Impact Institute helps assess healthcare accessibility, gender and disability adaptations and that healthcare provision is accountable, community driven and CHS aligned. 






Sunset at Badshahi mosque, Lahore. Credit: Ghulam Hussain

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The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland