Humanitarian Economic Assessments
Humanitarian Economic Assessments
The Humanitarian Impact Institute conducts humanitarian economic assessments of market-based program responses including Market Impact Assessments, Market Monitoring and Value Chain Analysis.
Humanitarian market assessments and market monitoring are integral multisectoral methods for monitoring and identifying where the humanitarian interventions have altered market dynamics – they represent an essential tool for ensuring wider (economic) harm is not created by humanitarian programs.
We design and implement multi-sector market assessment data collection and analysis tools to monitor market manipulations and impacts and ensure access to goods and services both for impacted communities and those not supported by humanitarian programs. These are supplemented where needed by systemic analysis of more complex market systems and/or protection analysis.
The Humanitarian Impact Institute can also conduct Value Chain Analysis to better inform livelihood program design and ensure product-market-price fit based on an overall assessment of differentiation, suppliers and value.
Sunset at Badshahi mosque, Lahore. Credit: Ghulam Hussain
© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland