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Climate Resilience & Adaptation

Agriculture in Simien Mountains, Ethiopia. Credit: Wy Siati

Climate Resilience & Adaptation

The Humanitarian Impact Institute (HII) works with clients to help communities to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from climate-related impacts including extreme weather events: heatwaves, floods, droughts, storms – and long-term climatic shifts like rising sea levels and changing rainfall patterns.

Our research, strategy and forecasting work helps build resilient systems that can withstand, adapt and recover.

Our work on Climate adaptation includes supporting communities to reduce vulnerability to current and anticipated climate change impacts – improving resilience.

Our work on adaptation can include policy and planning analysis, research on technological and infrastructure improvements and support for behavioural adaptations at the community level.

Climate change is happening and the impacts of it are felt most by those least responsible for causing it. By working on both resilience and adaptation, HII hopes to reduce overall impacts on the communities we and our clients work to support.






Our Sectors

Jeff Bond

Jeff is a Non-Executive Director driving strategy for the Climate, Environment & Sustainability Practice.

The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland