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Humanitarian AAP Studies

Humanitarian AAP Studies


The Humanitarian Impact Institute conducts Humanitarian AAP Studies for humanitarian and development sector clients to assess the extent to which community voices have been involved in, and responded to, programming.

AAP (Accountabilty to Affected Populations) is a tool for humanitarian and development actors to measure community agency in their programming. It’s origins are in the well established and evidenced view that communities are best able to make decisions on what their needs are and that support is always enhanced by ensuring community views are driving decision making.

Humanitarian AAP Studies can be based on the Core Humanitarian Standard (v2.0) as the recognised standard in accountability in our sector. However, adapted metrics can also be created that are based on the CHS but more specific to desired contextual learning. HII will work with you to design an effective AAP framework and study if you do not already have one in place.






Sunset at Badshahi mosque, Lahore. Credit: Ghulam Hussain

The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland