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Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism


Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) programs are implemented in a range of ways by a range of actors in many different contexts. Primarily P/CVE programs seek to increase social inclusion and cohesion, build resilient communities, address root causes that lead to exclusion and radicalisation and promote effective counter narratives.

A wider view of P/CVE is more holistic and includes border management, women’s empwoerment, economic development, legislative change, advocacy, misinformation and education.

The Humanitarian Impact Institute can conduct baseline or primary source research to inform program design, effective monitoring frameworks and then conduct external evaluations of P/CVE projects.







Sunset at Badshahi mosque, Lahore. Credit: Ghulam Hussain

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The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland