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Humanitarian Responses

Humanitarian Responses

The Humanitarian Impact Institute’s work in Humanitarian Responses is multisectoral with a focus on overall program/portfolio/Response effectiveness. Our key focus sectors are Health, Education, Protection, WASH & Shelter, MHPSS, DRR and basic needs.

HII works in sudden onset emergency humanitarian responses as well as protracted emergencies.

We deploy participatory methods to elevate the voices of affected communities and marginalised groups within those communities. We have a focus on gender, diversity and inclusion in our work and ensure robust analysis on these quality indicators and accountability to affected populations throughout.

Our Sectors


The Humanitarian Responses & Development Practice provides the following services:




Project Examples

Real Time Learning Review of the Red Cross movement’s response in Ukraine. The Learning Review focused on the emergency response in the de-occupied areas of Ukraine and included multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) and analysis of the future of the movement’s response in Ukraine. 

Multiple AAP (accountability to affected populations) studies of one UN agency’s entire portfolio of projects in Afghanistan. This involved primary source fieldwork across 30 Afghan provinces post-Taliban takeover. 

Martina Nicolls

Martina is HII’s Humanitarian Responses & Development Practice Lead.

The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland