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South Asia

Ancient tiles inside the Jama Masjid, Herat. Credit: Jonathan Wilson

South Asia

The Humanitarian Impact Institute works across south Asia – a diverse region of humanitarian needs, rich culture and beautiful landscapes.

Project Examples

Our multisectoral work in south Asia ranges from child protection to maternal health.

Real Time Learning Review

HII conducted a real-time learning review of IRW’s scale-up in Afghanistan following the humanitarian crisis of the change of authority in Afghanistan in 2021. The RTLR included participatory fieldwork across Afghan provinces and analysed both country office effectiveness, as well as highlighting global lessons and adaptations for IRW ‘s response to future emergency humanitarian responses.

Series of AAP Studies

A series of studies were conducted for UNFPA across all Afghan provinces and all UNFPA programs. The purpose of these studies was to determine how accountable UNFPA programming was to affected populations across a number of indicators. This included different population groups and disaggregations, useful to UNFPA and its partners to adapt programming. 

Structural Assessment for MSF

As a movement MSF has established itself in a different way than normal in Afghanistan as a response to numerous attacks sustained from combatants in the 2000’s. Given its uniqueness in the MSF context and the administrative challenges this unique setup poses for MSF OC’s, HII conducted an external analysis to determine whether it should continue. The recommendations were presented to the most senior leaders of the MSF movement and have implications for the future of MSF globally.

Child Protection Evaluation

Final external evaluation of the Enhancing Protection for Afghan Children (EPAC) project implemented by War Child Canada and funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). EPAC was a multi-year initiative (2017-2022) implemented in Kabul, Nangarhar, and Kandahar provinces. The project was an integrated approach to establishing child protection mechanisms including Community Based Child Protection Mechanisms (CBCPMs), child friendly spaces (CFSs), referral systems and School Friendly and Protective Environment (SCFPE). The evaluation involved participatory methods across the three provinces and was delivered in 2023.





Sunset at Badshahi mosque, Lahore. Credit: Ghulam Hussain

The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland