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Oromo Children, Ethiopia. Credit: Haydyn Yah

The Humanitarian Impact Institute elevates voices and accelerates learning to increase your impact in humanitarian, development, sustainability, social inclusion, peace and security programs globally.

HII uses Inclusive & Participatory approaches to elevate voices & accelerate learning by harnessing Community Voices, Perceptions & Knowledge

Sectoral Practices

Each of our practices specialises in different areas of the humanitarian and development nexus and focus on community impact

Humanitarian Responses

Social Inclusion

Peace & Security

Human Development

Our Sectors


Our Research, Learning and Strategy services increase impact for humanitarian & development actors – and the communities they serve


The Humanitarian Impact Institute has conducted more external evaluations and reviews on localisation in our sector than any other evaluation organisation in the past two years. We have developed practical expertise, our own evaluative approaches and HII-funded initiatives to advance localisation.

Global Evaluators Network 2030

GEN2030 is a HII-sponsored platform to support local/national evaluation firms and organisations (especially those that are women-owned and women-led) to grow and increase their capability and impact.

 Our Vision for localised community-driven learning is inclusive, holistic & sustainable.

We work in communities affected by conflict, fragility or marginalisation everywhere

The Humanitarian Impact Institute is Headquartered in The Academy, across from Trinity College Dublin.

Our operations are supported by regional hubs in Ukraine (Kyiv), Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), Lebanon (Tyre), Türkiye (Gaziantep) & Afghanistan (Kabul).

The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland