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Mixed Migration

Mixed Migration


Mixed Migration means the movement of diverse groups of people including refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, unaccompanied minors and victims of trafficking and children – all of whom are ‘mixed’ into human migration routes.

Mixed migration almost always is sourced in conflict zones, countries with low economic progress and countries with restricted human rights.

Mixed migration means that a diverse group of migrants are using the same routes, often in the same transport and rest stops and using the same facilitators. 

Mixed migration creates enormous protection risks including sexual violence, exploitation, trafficking, slavery, arrest and detention. Many mixed migration journeys therefore also contain implicit economic risks that stem from the cost of the journey not being repaid.

The Humanitarian Impact Institute can conduct baseline or primary source research to inform program design, effective monitoring frameworks and then conduct external evaluations for mixed migration projects.







Sunset at Badshahi mosque, Lahore. Credit: Ghulam Hussain

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