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Education in Emergencies

Education in Emergencies


Education in emergencies refers to a combination of both formal and informal education models often combined with protection approaches to ensure access to education in the crisis contexts. The fourth UN Sustainable Development Goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable education for all by 2030. Sudden onset and protracted humanitarian emergencies are some of the biggest barriers to achievement of this goal.

The absence of educational opportunities for all ages (early childhood, primary, secondary, technical, vocational and higher education) during an emergency is an abrogation of the rights of the child which guarantees the right to education for all children. The impacts of educational gaps on human development as well as lasting economic development for an economy are long lasting and significant.

Protection approaches in Education in Emergencies are often central to an EiE’s program effectiveness as schools can protect children from the dangers around them in emergency contexts. Abuse, exploitation and recruitment into armed groups are all risks that are heightened for children in emergencies. Approaches including safe spaces, informal to formal transition, child-friendly and trauma informed teaching methods and inclusive settings along with teacher training (often a constraint in an emergency) are critical to the success of Education in Emergency programs.

The Humanitarian Impact Institute works with Education in Emergency programs in many countries to support baseline development, capacity assessments, operational reviews and participatory and evaluative approaches that elevate the voices of children participants as well as families and communities. Gender needs and constraints, barriers to access for students living with a disability and economic barriers need to be centrally considered during planning – and the channelling the voices of the community are critical for effective design and adaptation.   





Sunset at Badshahi mosque, Lahore. Credit: Ghulam Hussain

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© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland