NGO Transformation & Transition
NGO Transformation & Transition
The Humanitarian Impact Institute (HII) delivers NGO Transformation & Transition support to NGOs, INGOs, companies and local/national actors so they are more prepared to lead humanitarian and development responses.
This includes tailored support to increase organisational sustainability, secure and manage grants directly from donors and to work within INGO and UN compliance requirements without blacklisting.
HII also assists local and national actors, women-led organisations and local/national charities with aligned ambitions, to secure participation in clusters and humanitarian decision making forums.
Our support includes the provision of MEAL systems, organisational policies and control frameworks to adhere to donor, UN and INGO compliance frameworks, the development of organisational strategies, technical capacity development across all sectors and effective advocacy plans.
For INGOs, HII provides advisory services on the internal transformation of INGOs to future operating models, including positioning/branding, cultural change, localised operating models, technology transformations, mission transformation, scaling and downsizing.
Sunset at Badshahi mosque, Lahore. Credit: Ghulam Hussain
© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland