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Community Validation & Inclusive MEAL

Community Validation

The Humanitarian Impact Institute aspires for communities to own, drive and validate all projects and programs that serve them.

We aim for all of our analysis and design work to be validated by the communities where the work is conducted.

Community Validation adds a second and third direction of contributions to programming. Often community input is received through fixed data collection tools adminstered by implementers and their partners. This data is then used to write recommendations, findings and to design interventions.

Community Validation makes space for communities to taken a leadership role in driving the design of programs.

When research and evaluations are conducted, whenever possible we verify our findings and recommendations with the community.

This means the community both provides data for analysis/design and then gets to see and sense-check the results of the analysis that comes from that data. 

Inclusive MEAL

The Humanitarian Impact Institute (HII) analysed a sample of 20 publicly available evaluation tenders from INGOs, donors and the UN from 2023 to 2024.

The purpose was to determine how deeply that inclusion expectations are embedded in evaluations. 

This short report finds that the values of inclusion that organisations identify with, rarely find their way into evaluation tender documents effectively.

If evaluation requirements for inclusion are not clearly articulated in all parts of tender documents, then the likelihood of an inclusive evaluation is reduced.

If an evaluation is not inclusive, then clients are missing opportunities to better understand their programming impact on diverse communities.


Community Validation

The Academy, 42 Pearse Street, Dublin, Ireland D02 KA44

© Humanitarian Impact Institute, Ireland